‘Cause static electricity is just one of the things not being understood.

‘Cause static electricity is just one of the things not being understood.

from €14.00

Slika “‘Cause static electricity is just one of the things not being understood.”, serija SUNDAY SOMEDAY ANYDAY, 2018, format po izbiri.

Avtor / Author: Janja Kosi

Formati / Formats
15 x 15 cm = 14,00 €
30 x 30 cm = 20,00 €

Originalno delo je narejeno v tehniki flomaster na papir. Naročiti je možno print oz. reprodukcijo dela, ne original.

Sledi avtorju / Follow the Artist
Instagram: instagram.com/i_could_be_ana

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Janja Kosi, rojena 14. 9. 1994 v Mariboru, trenutno zaključuje magistrski študij slikarstva na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani, kjer je 2016 tudi diplomirala. V letu 2018 je letni semster preživela na Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig (Nemčija).

Področje njenega raziskovanja in zanimanja zavzemata slikarstvo in ilustracija. Pri slikarstvu skozi temo kraja preganja podobe skozi različne medije, pri čemer medij slikarstva še vedno ostaja v središču, a se vedno na novo kontekstualizira. Zanima jo kakšna (in če sploh) je povezava med podobo kraja, ki si jo o njem ustvarimo sami, in dejanskim krajem.

Pri ilustraciji poskuša jasno podajati ideje, ki so pogosto obarvane s humorjem. Skupna točka obeh področij je prizadevanje za odprtost in animiranje gledalca k soustvarjanju dela.


Janja Kosi, born on 14 September 1994 in Maribor, I am currently finishing my master's degree in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, where I graduated in 2016. I spent the summer semester of 2018 at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig (Germany).

The field of my research and interest is painting and illustration. In painting, through the theme of the place, I chase the images through different media, while painting as a medium still stays in the centre, although it is always contextualized in a new way. I am interested in the relationship (if any at all) between the image of the place we create ourselves and the actual place.

In the illustration, I try to introduce ideas that are often coloured with humour. The common point of both areas is the aspiration for openness and animation of the viewer to co-create the work.