from €10.00

Slika Next step #2, serija NEXT STEP, 2018, format po izbiri.

Avtor / Author: Alex Mitev Leben

Formati / Formats
14,8 x 21 cm (A5) = 10,00 €

21 x 29,4 cm (A4) = 13,00 €

Originalno delo je narejeno v akvarel tehniki in s tušem. Naročiti je možno zgolj print oz. reprodukcijo dela, ne original.

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Aleksander Mitev Leben je rojen v Mariboru leta 1989. Zaključil je Srednjo trgovsko šolo smer ekonomski tehnik, trenutno se vpisuje na Akademijo umetnosti v Zürichu. Od malega ustvarja na različnih področjih likovne umetnosti, od risbe, slike, fotografije in skulpture. Pravi, da je v življenju počel že marsikaj drugega, od tega najraje v kuhinji odličnih mojstrov ... Zadnja štiri leta posveča pozornost predvsem slikarstvu, ob tem ustvarja tudi na področju digitalnega dizajna in ilustracije, igra kitaro, skejta ter potuje po svetu.

Serija slik z naslovom Next step je nastala posebej za festival Jazz 'ma mlade, v sklopu katerega je bila na ogled samo nekaj ur, kolikor je trajal koncertni dogodek. Ker je občinstvo razstavo zelo dobro sprejelo, smo se odločili, da jo ponudimo na ogled v naši Web Nox galeriji. Zaradi Alexovega potovanja med Mariborom in Zürichom, smo z njim opravili dopisni intervju.

Serija slik Next step (Naslednji korak) se ne poigrava toliko z barvami kot s samo dinamiko podob in jih oživlja do te mere, da jih lahko "slišimo".


Aleksander Mitev Leben was born in 1989 in Maribor. He completed his secondary education as an economic technician at the Commercial High School Maribor and is currently enrolling at the Zurich University of the Arts. Ever since Alex was a little boy, he has been creative in different art forms, including drawings, paintings, photography, and sculpture. He has done lots of other different things in life, but he enjoyed himself most inside the kitchens of excellent chefs…  For the last four years, his main focus has been painting, however he also makes time for his digital design work and illustrations, playing guitar, skating and travelling the world.

The series of paintings entitled Next step (Naslednji korak) was made especially for the Jazz Has Youth (Jazz 'ma mlade) 2018 festival; it was exhibited for just a few hours during the live music performances that evening. Because the audience responded so well to the exhibition, we decided to offer it in our Web Nox Gallery. As Alex is travelling between Maribor and Zürich, we interviewed him via email.

The Next step’s paintings reveal the play with the images’ dynamics rather than with colours, animating them to the extent that we can almost "hear" them.