Izhodišče je grafika / The starting point is printmaking
Ogled umetniških del tudi tokrat v 3D galeriji WEB NOX.
Monika Plemen: Izhodišče je grafika
Monika Plemen (1994, Slovenj Gradec) je leta 2018 diplomirala iz likovne pedagogike na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani pod mentorstvom mag. Anje Jerčič Jakob. V študijskem letu 2019/2020 se je izpopolnjevala na Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein v mestu Halle (Saale) v Nemčiji. V študijskem letu 2020/2021 je opravljala Erasmus+ prakso v umetniškem centru Fish Factory v kraju Stöđvarfjörđur na Islandiji.
Leta 2022 je bila sprejeta na umetniško rezidenco v Zadar, v tem letu pa je tudi magistrirala na študijskem programu grafike na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje (ALUO) Univerze v Ljubljani pod mentorstvom dr. Jožefa Muhoviča, mag. Zore Stančič in mag. Črtomirja Freliha.
Je prejemnica posebnega priznanja za razvoj svetovne grafike in umetniških gibanj (2021), ki ga je izdal 10. Mednarodni trienale grafične umetnosti v Bitoli (Makedonija).
O razstavi
Akademska umetnica Monika Plemen, ki je magistrirala iz grafike, se tokrat predstavlja z grafično razstavo naslovljeno Izhodišče je grafika. Kot pravi umetnica sama, »naslov ponazarja na izhodiščno točko, iz katere izhaja moja likovna praksa.«
V razstavi bo tako ponazorjen večpomenski pojem grafike, ki se danes pojavlja v razširjeni obliki. Temelji tako na razumevanju pojma grafike kot odtisa, kjer je pri grafičnih delih odtis izhodišče in ga umetnica v nadaljevanju integrira v naslednje projekte (npr. Projekt 365). Prav tako pa grafika reprezentira panogo likovne umetnosti znotraj katere so grafične tehnike uporabljene za doseganje ciljev, torej izdelave odtisa. »Skratka, grafika definira grafiko, kakorkoli pač obrneš.«
In na tak način je grafika predstavljena na virtualni razstavi – kot popolnoma tradicionalna metoda izdelave grafičnega lista in kot korelacija med klasično in digitalno grafiko. Obenem pa se poleg odtisa predstavlja tudi grafična matrica, ki je v projektu Outline »pomembnejša« od njenega odtisa.
Monika Plemen: The starting point is printmaking
Monika Plemen (1994, Slovenj Gradec) graduated in art pedagogy from Faculty of Education in Ljubljana in 2018 under the mentorship of mag. Anja Jerčič Jakob. For the academic year 2019/2020, she studied at the Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein in Halle (Saale), Germany. In the academic year 2020/2021 she did an Erasmus'+ internship at the Fish Factory in Stöđvarfjörđur, Iceland.
In 2022 she was accepted for an artist residency in Zadar and in that year she also completed her Master’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana under the supervision of dr. Jožef Muhič, M.A. and M.A. Zora Stančič and mag. Črtomir Frelih.
She is the recipient of the Special Award for the Developement of World Graphic Art and Art Movements (2021), issued by the 10th International Triennial of Graphic Art in Bitola, Macedonia.
About the exhbition
This time Monika Plemen is representig herself with a printmaking exhibition titled The starting point is graphic art. As she says, "the title illustrates the starting point from which my artistic practice emerges."
The exhibition thus illustrates the multi meaning concept of printmaking, which today appears in an expanded form. It is thus based on the understanding of the concept of printmaking as a print, where in the case of printmaking the print is the starting point and is further integrated by the artist in subsequent projects (e.g. Project 365). Likewise, printmaking represents the branch of fine art within which printmaking techniques are used to achieve the goals, i.e. to produce a print. "In short, the graphic defines the graphic, however you turn it."
And this is how printmaking is presented in the virtual exhibition - as a purely traditional method of producing a graphic sheet and as a correlation between classical and digital printmaking. At the same time, alongside the print, the graphic matrix is also presented, which in the Outline project is »more important« than its print.
Kuratorka: Martina Frangež web design: Živa Mijatović; produkcija: Galerija Media Nox